Real Flourishing, Not Just Believing: Amanda Udis-Kessler

Cover image of Amanda Udis-Kessler's book, Abundant Lives

Amanda Udis-Kessler is not only a musician, but she's a sociologist, a social ethicist, a theologian, and a writer, and it's her writing that brings her here to us today. Her latest book is Abundant Lives: A Progressive Christian Ethic of Flourishing, and in it Amanda helps us chart a way forward beyond the usual statements of principles and creeds, looking at real humans and where and how we thrive. Amanda's ethical and spiritual journey, from secular Judaism, through Unitarian Universalism, and currently with progressive Christianity, when paired with her scientific expertise, make her perspective both insightful and fruitful. Amanda has more riches on her personal website,, and also on her music website,, free for your use and sharing. Amanda joins us from Colorado Springs, Colorado.

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Full, uncut interview with Amanda Udis-Kessler

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Real Flourishing, Not Just Believing: Amanda Udis-Kessler

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Amanda Udis-Kessler


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