Estonian Artists for Peace and Unity

the Estonian Flag

A visit with an American, an Estonian and a Ukrainian about Peace and Unity around Estonia, where all three work at the University in Tallinn, Estonia. Leon Miller (American) is a lecturer in Religion, Culture and Intercultural Communication and teaches T'ai Chi and Yoga. Mall Kulasalu (Estonian woman) teaches English at the University and Evhen Tsybulenko (Ukrainian man) is the chair of the International Law Dept at the university.

Too few Americans know about Estonia's amazing, non-violent, "Singing Revolution" for independence from the USSR, but it is but one of the characteristics that make the country fertile ground for Leon's work with the International Association for Religious Freedom.

Music Featured:

Come To Paradise - Leon Miller & Estonian and Russian Artists for Peace and Unity

First Air Date

Estonian Artists for Peace and Unity

Audio file

Mall Kulasalu, an Estonian, speaks of her experience of the non-violent Estonian "Singing Revolution".
Evhen Tsybulenko, a Ukrainian professor of International Law teaching in Estonia talks about his perception of Russian government, motives and threat.
Evhan speaks about the potential of the church for good - and of the danger of the church as a tool of the state.
Leon Miller is working together with young Russian and Estonian artists, and this song, Come To Paradise, is the product of their synergy.
Leon talks about Estonian non-violence as illustrated by a popular move about the only one of the Crusades outside of the Holy Land - to Estonia.

Broadcast Date(s)


Leon Miller
Mall Kulasalu
Evhen Tsybulenko


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