Praying for Peace, Paying for Peace, Part Three - Principles, Legality and Commitment

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Part three: A visit with 2 more War Tax Resisters - individuals whose conscientious objection to war includes not only their refusal to personally fight, but their decision to also not pay for war and the military system.

This 3nd installment in the series includes interviews with Dan Lundquist and Sue Klassen. Dan was raised Lutheran and came to his conscientious objection to paying for war years before meeting his partner, Judith, who was of like mind. Eventually they both found Quakers and are now members of Minneapolis Friends Meeting. Sue Klassen is our second guest, a Mennonite who works for the rights of conscience of those unable to pay for war by volunteering extensively with the National Campaign for a Peace Tax Fund.

Music Featured:
Don't Pay Taxes - Charlie King & Karen Brandow
Peace Is - Fred Small

First Air Date

Praying for Peace, Paying for Peace, Part Three - Principles, Legality and Commitment

Audio file

Jesus gospel of nonviolence. Jesus witness to nonviolence throughout history. To strike back at someone else is to strike back at god. violence and guns were not Jesus' way.
Quakers hold concerns on taxes for the military.
What his goals are in tax resistance. A change in government policy so they aren't changed by government.
is strongly based in a faith in god. one aspect is concern with military taxes. Also a bit on phone military taxes.
Got involved when he was first brought up to the draft board and tried to argue for conscientious objector status. He could not in conscious pay for others to fight in wars.
How most Mennonites are open to people being war tax resisters.
It was a journey for her. she asked questions in her youth and then met menonites in college who shared her questions and had a theology about it.

Broadcast Date(s)


Dan Lundquist
Sue Klassen


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