Praying for Peace, Paying for Peace, Part One - A Visit with Robin Hood and Maid Marian

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A discussion with 2 War Tax Resisters - individuals whose conscientious objection to war includes not only their refusal to personally fight, but their decision to also not pay for war and the military system.

This first part in the series includes interviews with Daniel Woodham, a war tax resister since 1991 and member of the Administrative Committee of The National War Tax Resistance Coordinating Committee, and with Heather Snow whose been diverting her income to peace for 30 years or so.

What If We All Stopped Paying Taxes? - Sharon Jones and The Dap-Kings

First Air Date

Praying for Peace, Paying for Peace, Part One - A Visit with Robin Hood and Maid Marian

Audio file

Daniel's experiences that led him to be a war tax resister.
Many ways of doing so. Daniel has quit jobs before the IRS takes the money. He sends in the forms without any check to pay the taxes.
She takes the high moral ground and some realize it but they are too afraid to do the same.
What got him into war tax resistance
Ones whole lifestyle is part of the resistance to the taxes and have a lot of people that got inspired by the great movements and people of the left.
Her background there and the problems with her family helped create her viewpoint and actions.
She had a lawyer say that she can't win and got help from the quaker war tax resistance movement.

Broadcast Date(s)


Daniel Woodham
Heather Snow


What a lovely radio station you have. I love your wisdom and insights....and your love shines through. The interview was great. It was informative and thought provocative. I hope many people hear the show. It was clarifying for me to speak with you, and thank you for your support. I appreciate what you are doing with your program.. I hope to meet you someday. meanwhile, I'll tune into your station. Thank You again, Mark.... walking in the light of love,

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