Nicaragua Inter-oceanic Canal - NO!

Nicaragua Interoceanic Canal

Don't know about the planned (and underway) Nicaragua Inter-oceanic Canal? Tere Campos, Nicaraguan native, and her husband, Brad Stocker, are working to put out the word about this potentially disastrous plan which would put at risk the 9th largest lake of the Americas, and much more. Tere & Brad are deeply steeped in environmental concerns, SEYM's Earthcare Committee, and ProNica, and Brad has a Post-doc certificate in ecology & human spirit.

First Air Date

Nicaragua Inter-oceanic Canal - NO!

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Broadcast Date(s)


Tere Campos, Brad Stocker


This radio show was very informative. The speakers had a lot of information about the canal project that is planned and underway in some parts of Nicaragua. The project will destroy drinking water and entire communities. Tere Campos is a native to Nicaragua. She is eloquent in her description of the ramifications of the project, and Dr. Brad Stocker has a depth of information about the project.

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