Jo Vallentine - Australian Green Party Senator

green triangle with the words "The Greens" written across it

Jo Vallentine was the first Australian Green Party Senator. She brought principled action to Australia's federal Senate, earning her the scorn of many "business as usual" politicians, as she served as advocate and voice in Australia's Parliament for a number of progressive issues for 8 years

Jo grew up Catholic in a conservative family, deeply absorbing Catholic teachings of compassion and care for the poor. While traveling extensively as a young adult, Jo witnessed masses of poor people held down by the religious, economic and political limitations, and began a transition away from conservative doctrines. Jo has been active with the Friends(Quaker) meeting in Perth, Western Australia since 1972.

Jo's first election to the senate was as part of the Nuclear Disarmament Party, but national coalition-building led to the national establishment of the Green Party.

I interviewed Jo Vallentine on February 14, 2006, in the course of my 3-week visit to Australia with the Friendly FolkDancers.
Music Featured:
The Times They Are A-Changin' - Bob Dylan
Peace Is - Fred Small
Too Many People - Fred Small
Ain't Gonna Let Nobody Turn Me Around - Charlie King

Episode Number


First Air Date

Jo Vallentine - Australian Green Party Senator

Audio file

"We have a privilege in this country because we can speak our mind, generally, without fear of being shot or left to rot in jail, so shouldn't we be availing ourselves of that opportunity?"
"If you're too quiet or you're not bringing out the adversaries, in some way or another, you're letting everybody be too comfortable. We're here to comfort the afflicted and to afflict the comfortable, maybe."
Some of the times, including while she was a senator, that she chose to be arrested for civil disobedience...
Jo speaks of her decision to commit to working, unto her death, to limit the damage we are doing to the planet, as the necessary precondition to allowing herself to have children.

Broadcast Date(s)


Jo Vallentine


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