Sami Rasouli - Muslim Peacemaker Teams

photo of Sami Rasouli

Sami Rasouli is an Iraqi-born American citizen who returned to Iraq in the aftermath of the US war there, in order to try to help rebuild Iraq. Inspired by the example of the Christian Peacemaker Teams (CPT), he has helped organize the Muslim Peacemaker Teams (MPT).

Sami left Iraq in 1976, eventually settling in the Twin Cities and opening Sinbads, a Middle Eastern restaurant. When visiting Iraq following his mother's death, he was struck by his duty to help rebuild the devestated nation. Inspired by Tom Fox and the other CPT members, Sami organized the Muslim Peacemaker Teams. One of their first actions was to organize a group of Shi'a Muslims to help clean up Faluja, a Sunni stronghold.

I interviewed Sami on March 7, 2006, during his visit to Eau Claire.

Music Featured:
Man In Black - Johnny Cash
Children of Abraham - John McCutcheon
Not In My Name - John McCutcheon
It Could Have Been Me - Holly Near

Episode Number


First Air Date

Sami Rasouli - Muslim Peacemaker Teams

Audio file

A 3-minute except from my visit with Sami which includes the following comments about the Christian Peacemaker Teams (CPT), including: " the CPT were there to demonstrate the real teaching of the Prince of Peace, Jesus Christ, and they were like an army armed with Love ..."
A 2-minute tribute to Tom Fox by Sami Rasouli. Tom Fox and the other folks of the Christian Peacemaker Teams inspired and helped Sami found the Muslim Peacemaker Teams. This tribute was offered by Tom Fox's body was found and his death confirmed

Broadcast Date(s)


Sami Rasouli


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