Mosque Event - National Peace Foundation and Islamic Society of North America

photo of mosque in Altoona

A powerful sharing of activist culture between the West and the Middle East co-sponsored by the National Peace Foundation and the Islamic Society of North America. Representatives from Qatar, Yemen and the United Arab Emirates met Chippewa Valley activists at the Altoona mosque to listen and learn from one another.

Dr. Mahmoud Taman welcomed the participants and Sahar Taman of the mosque and of the National Peace Foundation introduced the theme of the visit, followed by Sara Harder, also of the National Peace Foundation. After a brief welcome by Rodwaan Saleh of the Islamic Society of North America, we heard from local activists: Steve Wagener with Military Families Speak Out, Eric Rosenquist speaking on Iraq Moratorium and Mark Ruddy of JONAH's TIP (Treatment Instead of Prison) program. We then heard from two members of the Middle East delegation, Mohammed Esmail Abdulraheem Al-Nehmi of the Yemeni Ministry of Education, and his wife, Tawakul Abdulsalam Khaled Karman, with Women Journalists Without Chains.

Music Featured:

Green Fields, Golden Sands - Yusuf Islam

First Air Date

Mosque Event - National Peace Foundation and Islamic Society of North America

Audio file

He comes froms a family of protesters and talks about the movement. Obama won't end the war.
Steve's past and his son's military experience.
about talking about the Palestine genocide and their groups involvement in trying to stop it.
National peace foundation actions.
describing the corrections budget and a story of a drug addict that needed treatment rather than prison.
Also covers the treatment against prison program.

Broadcast Date(s)


Dr. Mahmoud Taman
Sahar Tamar
Sara Harder
Rodwaan Saleh
Steve Wagener
Eric Rosenquist
Mark Ruddy
Mohammed Esmail Abdulraheem Al-Nehmi
Tawakul Abdulsalam Khaled Karman


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