CV Draft and Military Counseling Network

photo of Steve Wagener

Steve Wagener had a history of political activism, but he had to be jarred out of a period of dormant passions by the combination of his son's unwilling role in the military and Steve's reaction to the manipulations leading up to our invasion of Iraq. His early Catholic foundation serves him well as he has stepped to the front lines of anti-war activism in the Chippewa Valley.

Steve is active with Military Families Speak Out, the Chippewa Valley Draft and Military Counseling Network and is an associate member of the local Veterans for Peace group. He speaks his piece vibrantly in many forms, including via his web site,

Music Featured:
Rich Man's War - Steve Earle
For What It's Worth - Buffalo Springfield
The Revolution Starts Now - Steve Earle

Episode Number


First Air Date

CV Draft and Military Counseling Network with Steve Wagener

Audio file

Talking about his brother telling him to not only refuse to serve in the war but also to find any possible way to end the war. also his dropping his support of Hubert Humphrey for refusing to give amnesty to draft resisters.
He talks about his ties to Military Families Speak Out and his oldest son's military career.
The decision to commemorate the date that bush claimed mission accomplished in Iraq.
Talking about what he realized is wrong with all war after being asked about the Afganistan war.

Broadcast Date(s)


Steve Wagener


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