Vietnam Vet, Recovering Alcoholic and Russian Sojourn

photo of Viet Nam Veterans' Memorial

Pete Wagener spoke at the 2006 Veterans Day event sponsored by the Veterans for Peace. His stories about what he learned in his 4 years with the Marines, in facing his alcoholism, and in the course of the 5 years he spent in Russia, after the fall of the Berlin Wall, are personal and powerful.

Pete was affected foremost by his own, personal experiences in the military, but he also credits the writings of a highly decorated Marine Major General Smedley Butler with influencing his drift into criticism of war.

Pete was raised, and is still active, as a Catholic. He met his wife in Russia, in the course of pursuing business possibilities there. Pete is interested in people and connections, careful but powerful in the judgements he draws from his experience, and loves to share the stories of his experiences.

Music Featured:

Gentlemen of Distinction - Claudia Schmidt & Sally Rogers
Find The Cost Of Freedom - Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young
We Know War - John McCutcheon
Deeper Well - Emmylou Harris

Episode Number


First Air Date

Pete Wagener - Vietnam Vet, Recovering Alcoholic and Russian Sojourn

Audio file

how he saw the audience of a movie thirsting for blood and realizing that the war he was in didnt end war and the past warnings about the military industrial complex.
He looked at them when he had to give a speech. He brings up a story of a young girl he gave a ride to against the rules and realizing that we had turned her life into an obsenity. He lost what innocence he had in the war.
All the reasons given are merely lies to convince they young and gullible to fight in the war. They can be seen through pretty easily with even a little thought. He was able to get some deprogramming by being put in a training camp by the military.

Broadcast Date(s)


Pete Wagener


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