Prays Well With Others

In an atmosphere where so often there is religious intolerence & distrust, it's beautiful to see diverse spiritual communities sharing deeply together. At Eau Claire's Interfaith Prayer Service for Peace & Unity, conceived by Bob Lesniewski, a Benedictine oblate, prayers were shared from Presbyterian, Jewish, Islamic, Buddhist, Ba'hai, Catholic, & Quaker representatives. It was a rich sharing of diverse faiths, warming a cold winter night. The next Eau Claire Interfaith Prayer Service will be May 23, 2018. When will yours be?

Past/current religious/spiritual influences:

Baha'i, Catholic, Jewish, Muslim, Presbyterian, Quaker 

Music by Karol Hommen, piano & Ryan Poquette, violin
Kathy Reid Walker - First Presbyterian Church
Sarah Harless & Suzon Gordon - Temple Shalom
Imam Tammer Abdelaziz - Islamic Center and Mosque
Hyejung Hwang - Hope United Methodist Church
Lama Yeshe - Buddhist Faith
Alicia Reed & friends - Baha'i Faith
Tom Krieg - St. James Catholic Church
Mark Helpsmeet - Eau Claire Quakers
Bob Lesniewski - St. Benedict's Monastery

First Air Date

Prays Well With Others

Audio file

Broadcast Date(s)


Bob Lesniewski
Kathy Reid Walker
Sarah Harless
Suzon Gordon
Imam Tammer Abdelaziz
Hyejung Hwang
Lama Yeshe
Alicia Reed
Tom Krieg


I listened to most of it and really like the way you did the broadcast. Thanks for sharing.

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