Religion & Society Exchange - Sahar Taman & Rabbi Jeremy Schneider

Religion & Society Exchange

Project of the National Peace Foundation and the Islamic Society of North AmericaReflections and Experiences of Religion and Society includes essays from the participants in the exchange program between Muslims, Jews & Christians between the Middle East & the US Midwest.

A visit with organizer & editor, Sahar Taman, and with participant, Rabbi Jeremy Schneider.

Music Featured:
Maybe There's a World - Yusuf Islam

First Air Date

Religion & Society Exchange - Sahar Taman & Rabbi Jeremy Schneider

Audio file

An excerpt from the essay "beyond all our diversities and differences"
and how he came to choose to attend this event.
and what the exchange is about and what they covered.
the description of this movement in Judaism.
including the original idea and history of the project.
How they hosted delegates, and their involvement with the program.

Broadcast Date(s)


Sahar Taman
Rabbi Jeremy Schneider


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