Sr Judie (Judith Ann) Wagener - A Life of Community and Service


Judith Ann Wagener has been a School Sister of Notre Dame since 1961, a period that has seen vast changes in American society and in the Catholic Church. She started as a teacher but followed a leading into pastoral ministry over 20 years ago, for the last 9 with St James the Greater Catholic Church in Eau Claire.

Her spiritual travels have included geographical travels to Central America and Israel, trips that have widened her vision and deepened her commitment to all of god's people.

First Air Date

Sister Judie - A Life of Community and Service

Audio file

Is Catholicism the ONLY faith journey that counts? Here's what Sister Judie instructs new arrivals with.
The vows of Judie's order have changed in the past 5 decades - here's what they are.
Being a Catholic missionary is different today than when Judie joined the School Sisters of Notre Dame.
Judie speaks of the strong impressions she carries back from her trip to Israel, the fortified walls, the spots saved from commercialism, and walking in Jesus' footsteps.

Broadcast Date(s)


Judie Wagener


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