Justice Powered from Healing Within

Penny Rosenwasser

Penny Rosenwasser is author of several books, including her latest, Hope Into Practice: Jewish Women Choosing Justice Despite Our Fears, an activist's call to repair the world. Penny is a "life-long heartfelt, rabble-rouser for social Justice" with a Ph.D. in Transformative Learning & Change.

Other books by Penny Rosenwasser:
Visionary Voices, Women on Power: Conversations with shamans, activists, teachers, artists and healers
Voices from a ‘Promised Land:’ Palestinian & Israeli peace activists speak their hearts

First Air Date

Justice Powered from Healing Within

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Penny Rosenwasser


Very interesting dialogue that got my conflicted juices flowing! Ironically some of the right wing, normally anti-Semitic, gun totin whack jobs have become pro Israeli fanatics! Perhaps this at least for now will diminish of some of the last bastians of anti-Semitism??????

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