Delegation to the Middle East - Cathy Sultan, Tom Chisholm, Jason Hicks

Israeli Wall

Cathy Sultan, Tom Chisholm & Jason Hicks were recently part of a delegation to Israel/Palestine sponsored by the Interfaith Peace-Builders, witnessing first-hand the suffering and aspirations of the people both sides of the wall.

Cathy Sultan is the author of 3 books about the Middle East from a human viewpoint. Her latest release is Tragedy in South Lebanon: The Israeli-Hezbollah War of 2006. Tom Chisholm spent most of his work life as a military doctor, is a member of Veterans for Peace, and serves the Chippewa Valley as a volunteer doctor for the local free clinic. Jason Hicks has a Masters of Science in Conservation Genetics and is pursuing a career in International Conflict Resolution and Human Rights.


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Delegation to the Middle East - Cathy Sultan, Tom Chisholm, Jason Hicks

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He fears the Israeli military more than the Palestinians. He also points out that the two sides fear each other because they know little to nothing about each other.
She took a tour that showed them the problems that Palestinians had in the west bank.
Palestinians not able to provide for themselves because they have been separated from their farmlands, and settlements being built while under a treaty not to build any.
Israelis are dismantling temporary checkpoints while leaving permanent ones in while expanding settlements. Also talks about a map that shows the lack of a contiguous Palestinian state.

Broadcast Date(s)


Cathy Sultan, Tom Chisholm, Jason Hicks


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