Net Zero-Energy, Non-CO2 Model Home - Jeff Knutsen

Zero Energy Home

A "field trip" to an environmentally friendly model home near Waupaca, Wisconsin, built by A-A Exteriors, including a discussion of a number of technical options.

If you care to visit the model home, click here for directions.

Music featured on this program includes:

We Will Build This House - Sally Rogers
Power - Holly Near
G-Gee It’s Warm Out Here - Peter Alsop

First Air Date

Net Zero-Energy Non-CO2 Model Home - Jeff Knutsen

Audio file

The biggest loss source is air infiltration. air moving in and out of the house. air sealing is done to tighten up the air barrier.
Asking about the use of geothermal energy. it ends up more feasible the colder the climate.
Includes a demonstration of how quite it is when the windows are closed with no outside noise able to get in. Insulation is more important but passive solar is free energy.
Not a carbon neutral home because it doesn't produce 20% more energy than it consumes. Net zero energy homes has it balanced so that the house neither produces or consumes energy. also covers peak oil both united states and world peak oil.
Built so that they could walk the walk as well as talk the talk. They make buildings more energy efficient.
Why he used photo voltaic cells. They don't use much in the way of hot water. but can get a better deal in energy gain for photovoltaic cells.

Broadcast Date(s)


Jeff Knutsen


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