Earth Movements & Music - Current Issues, Actions, and Songs

Earth Day 2014

A number of musicians sharing their songs about the environmental issues of our day (and progress being made) - fracking, frac sand mining, the loss of the honeybees, global warming, incineration, fossil fuels, and mining. Includes Si Kahn, Tom Neilson, Chuck LeMonds, Emma's Revolution, and Alice Di Micele.

Featured Music:
Mushing to Save Bristol Bay - Si Kahn
To Bee or Not to Bee - Chuck LeMonds
Soltice Morning - Tom Neilson
Kilimanjaro - Emma's Revolution
I Want My Old Life Back - Alice Di Micele

First Air Date

Earth Movements and Music

Audio file

Broadcast Date(s)


Si Kahn
Chuck LeMonds
Tom Neilson
Pat Humphries
Alice Di Micele


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