Fighting Fracking & Mining - Singing to Save Mother Earth

No Fracking!

The effective struggle to protect us against the destruction and desecration of the Earth draws on the powers of both mind and heart, and little can capture our hearts and open us to realities like a powerful song. We draw on the music and messages of Sarah Pirtle, David Rovics, Brian Bethke, Sara Thomsen, & Bryce Black to shine a light exposing the wrongs of fracking, mining for frac sands and copper, piping tar sands, and more.

Featured Music:
Song for You - by Brian Bethke
The Sand Man - by Bryce Black/Yata/Patchouli
Precious Water - by Sara Thomsen
No Frackin' Way - by David Rovics
U-wi-ta - by Sarah Pirtle


First Air Date

Fighting Fracking & Mining - Singing to Save Mother Earth

Audio file

BONUS EXCERPT: The motivation & origin of Precious Water
Sara's story about where the song, Precious Water, came from and why!

Broadcast Date(s)


Brian Bethke
Bryce Black
Sara Thomsen
David Rovics
Sarah Pirtle


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