Music for Social Change - People's Music Network

Ben Grosscup

Ben Grosscup serves as director of People's Music Network. Ben initiated the PMN Song of the Month, a project to integrate inspiring new songs of freedom and struggle in today’s progressive movements. Based in Western Massachusetts, Ben can also be found singing at gatherings where people are fighting for immigrant rights and ecological justice, and resisting military violence. Twice a year, musicians and activists carrying on the tradition of music for social change gather for workshops and song-sharing at PMN Gatherings.

Featured Music:
Plunder - Polar Levine
Too Political - Magpie
Bayview Massacre - Paddy Mills
Mama Don't Allow no HydroFracking Round Here - Colleen Kattau
Four Years of College - Ben Grosscup

First Air Date

Music for Social Change - People's Music Network

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Broadcast Date(s)


Ben Grosscup


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