Paul Kaldjian - Geography & Refuser Solidarity Network

photo of Paul

Paul Kaldjian is the living product of a rainbow of cultural & religious heritages, Finnish and Armenian, diverse religious groups, all combining to create a person who has a passion for creating personal-international connection. He's a Mennonite, a geography professor at the University of Wisconsin, Eau Claire, and a board member of the Refuser Solidarity Network, a group that seeks to support Israeli "refusniks" and inform the world about this element of the Israeli peace movement.

Music featured on this program includes: 

Kyrie (from the Saint Cecilia Mass) - Charles Gounod background music
Hoosiana (Finnish Christmas Song) - Tapiola Yhteiskoulu Choir
Do Something Different - Brave Combo (a Psych-Polka Band from Texas!)
Ella Ella (sung in Hemsin dialect) - Kazim Koyuncu
In My Heart - Jewish Folk Singer David Broza & Palestinian Wissam Murad

Episode Number


First Air Date

Paul Kaldjian - Geography & Refuser Solidarity Network

Audio file

Talking about the curiosity and other aspects of Middle Eastern culture.
He studies the changes and differences over space.
Describing his Mennonite nonviolent beliefs.
About the Israeli group called Refusers that have refused to take part in the occupation of Palestinian lands while still serving to defend Jewish lands.
He is willing to tell what he believes in private but wont push it in his classes. He also teaches his beliefs more through his actions rather than pushing his beliefs on others.

Broadcast Date(s)


Paul Kaldjian


Hi from the northeastern corner of Europe - Helsinki, Finland; With a little help from my U.S. friends I was led to your site and listen to Spirit In Action 11/05/2006. Thanks for a great interview with Paul Kaldjian. I hope you keep this and other programming available on-demand for some time so the slow ones get a chance to hear them, too. So now - on top of BBC world and NPR - there's one more international wavelength worth listening! Thanks again and keep up the good work.

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