Jews Breaking With Zionist Injustices

There are 40 essays in Reclaiming Judaism from Zionism: Stories of Personal Transformation, all personal, touching, transformative, & ringing with cry for justice. We speak today with contributors Chris Godshall (founder of JVP Columbia & student at Georgetown University Law Center), Rabbi Brant Rosen of Tzedek Chicago and author of Wrestling in the Daylight: A Rabbi's Path to Palestinian Solidarity, & editor Carolyn Karcher, professor emerita of English, American studies, and women’s studies at Temple University, and author of a number of books.

Past/current religious/spiritual influences:

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Jews Breaking With Zionist Injustices

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Chris Godshall
Rabbi Brant Rosen
Carolyn Karcher


I want to urge Northern Spirit Radio fans to listen to Mark Helpsmeet's illuminating interviews with five contributors to the collection RECLAIMING JUDAISM FROM ZIONISM: STORIES OF PERSONAL TRANSFORMATION, edited by Carolyn L. Karcher. The five interviewees are, in order of their appearance in two successive broadcasts: Chris Godshall, Rabbi Brant Rosen, Carolyn Karcher, Shoshi Madmoni-Gerber, and Emily Siegel. Together they provide an excellent foretaste of the collection. Mark is an exceptionally gifted interviewer and editor. His questions and transitional summings-up work well to educate listeners on the fraught issues of Zionism and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. They educate the interviewees as well, not only bringing out the essence of each person's story but unearthing hidden dimensions of it. No one who seeks a just resolution to the crying ethical struggle of our era can afford to miss listening to these interviews or reading the narratives in RECLAIMING JUDAISM FROM ZIONISM.

Thank you, good listening to Rabbi Brant. May I suggest you connect with Rabbi Yaakov Shapiro and Miko Peled as well. Nice to connect with similar minded people. Thanks again and good day

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