Collective Antiracism: Doing the Inter & Outer Work, Together

Eleonora Bartoli & Ali Michael

Eleonora Bartoli & Ali Michael bring us a book about antiracism that actually helps equip people to do the work, & to do it in a way that is actually helpful & effective. Our Problem Our Path: Collective Antiracism for White People is insightful, compassionate, brave, & crucial for those who not only want to know or posture, but to help make progress against racism, in our nation & in ourselves. Eleonora is a licensed psychologist providing counseling & consulting services in trauma, resilience-building, & multicultural/social justice issues. Ali is Co-Founder & Director at the Race Institute for K-12 Educators and is all about educating for equity. Both Eleonora & Ali have authored/co-authored many other books & articles, especially about addressing racism.

Past/present religious/spiritual influences: Catholic, Jewish, Hindu, Buddhism, Episcopalian

Episode Number


First Air Date

Full, Uncut, Collective Antiracism Interview

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Collective Antiracism: Doing the Inter & Outer Work, Together

Audio file

Eleonora's work as a psychologist & Ali's history of dealing with anxiety have equipped them in empowering antiracist work.

Broadcast Date(s)


Eleonora Bartoli
Ali Michael


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