Sarvodaya, Awakening Of All in Sri Lanka - Dr. Vinya Ariyaratne

Dr. Vinya S. Ariyaratne

Sri Lanka has been blessed by many decades of healing work under the leadership of A.T. Ariyaratne and his son, Dr. Vinya S. Ariyaratne. The organization they have led, Sarvodaya, is the largest non-governmental organization in Sri Lanka, having worked with people in 15,000 villages, combining mind, heart and spirit for the peace, health, and well-being of all citizens.

VikaSitha Siyapath (Peace Song) - World Vision Lanka

First Air Date

Sarvodaya, Awakening Of All in Sri Lanka: interview with Dr. Vinya Ariyaratne

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Broadcast Date(s)


Dr. Vinya S. Ariyaratne


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