Organizing Rockford - Stanley Campbell & Rockford Urban Ministries

photo of Stanley Campbell

Stanley Campbell has served Rockford Urban Ministries for almost 25 years, a voice for peace, justice and care for the disadvantaged of Illinois' second city. Stanley knows the ropes, having started as a John Birch conservative who volunteered to fight in Vietnam and having learned to question and reexamine what he's been told.

Whether it's workcamps rebuilding the inner city, support for Fair Trade goods, or highlighting injustice in the Middle East, Stanley is at the forefront, combining religious motivation with social justice zeal.

Music Featured:
O Say Shalom - One Drum (including David Stocker)
I'd Just Like to Know - Bryan Sirchio

Episode Number


First Air Date

Organizing Rockford - Stanley Campbell and Rockford Urban Ministries

Audio file

Used to be run by clergy but they needed people that could speak out without making trouble for the church.
How the idea that people have the right to live next to whoever they want and other bad ideas have caused urban sprawl.
and how he went from volunteering for vietnam to becoming an antiwar activist.
To help people that are unable to take care of their homes and the people that do the work.

Broadcast Date(s)


Stanley Campbell


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