Ralph Nader - Politics for People

cover of Ralph Nader's book "The Good Fight"

Ralph Nader and Matt Gonzolas, his running mate for President of the USA, spoke at UW-Eau Claire on September 5, 2008. His campaign is less about him than it is about finding an alternative to the corporate power that has so much control over our national life. Nader mixes dire warnings with inspirational advocacy, urging citizen involvement for a better future.

Music featured in this program:

Our Flag Was Still There - John McCutcheon

First Air Date

Ralph Nader - Politics for People

Audio file

He also goes into the fact that only congress has the right to declare war. And that when our president goes around congress he not only loses legitimacy himself but makes our country lose legitimacy.
Our country is found wanting in nearly all areas other than our high incarceration rates.
They have a lot more power but are given the same speech rights as human beings. So our society suffers from effectively giving them unlimited power.
He had just come back from both the democratic and republican corporate bacchanalia. Before we were corrupted by the corporate money the corporations thanks to his actions were on the run but they came back and are now out of control.
The republicans broke the laws, and the democratic party refused to enforce the laws to keep the president in check and the people sat by and did nothing (the best way to make sure that our republic dies).
The goals of a good life have to come out of learning more than just how to do well at business and work but in learning how to be a great person and through that making us a truly great nation. Otherwise we will be the victims of all the problems that our corporate masters will create for us. He mentions his ideas on his website (www.votenader.org)

Broadcast Date(s)


Ralph Nader


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