Michelle Gribble - St Francis Food Pantry

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Talk with Michelle Gribble, United Methodist, Executive Director of St. Francis Food Pantry, On-site Supervisor for The Community Table and board member of the Feed My People Food Bank

Includes music:
Turn It Around - Eileen McGann
Work Don't Week - Andy Murray
This Little Light of Mine - The I'm Gonna Let It Shine Choir
The Touch of the Master's Hand - Sally Rogers

Episode Number


First Air Date

Michelle Gribble

Audio file

talks about how the purpose of the community table is to help those that have need of a meal and to help those that may not get helped.
How the servers and the people taking the meals create connections between peoples of different walks of life.
That the people that go to the community table become part of a community. Also includes a clip of the song turn it around.

Broadcast Date(s)


Michelle Gribble


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