Barb Kass of Anathoth Farm

Anathoth Farm

Spirit In Action will be visiting today with Barb Kass who is a member and founder of the Anathoth Community Farm, an itentional community based on non-violence, sustainability and community, located in Luck, Wisconsin. Barb has traveled a long and varied spiritual path, being raised Catholic, active with Intervarsity Christian Fellowship in college, attending seminary in Chicago, working with Catholic Worker communities, and currently attending a progressive small-town Luthern Church. She and her husband, Mike Miles, have been jailed for their actions, including for praying on the White House Lawn.

Music Featured:
The Hammer Has To Fall - Charlie King
A Woman Of Great Energy - Charlie King
Not In My Name - John McCutcheon

Episode Number


First Air Date

Barb Kass of Anathoth Farm

Audio file

telling about the anathoth farm.
talking about her belief that god is supportive of the poor and powerless.
talking about what principles are followed by those on anathoth farm.

Broadcast Date(s)


Barb Kass


Saw you at the CW gathering  trying to find my peace movement memoir a home- For All the Saints- a Protest Primer- a travelogue thru the draft and Plowshares actions (I poured blood on draft files w Fr Phil Berriugan in 1967). Any ideas?

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