Network of Spiritual Progressives - Steering Committee for Eau Claire

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There is a lot of energy for the newly formed chapter of the Network of Spiritual Progressives in Eau Claire, and I visited with the members of the just-formed steering committee about what called them to this work, and what their plans are for the local chapter.

The NSP chapter board members interviewed are Lois Helland, Eileen Immerman, Jerry Foote, Betty Hurst, and Mary Weil. You can learn more about them via their web site, or by calling Betty Hurst at 834-4899.

Music Featured in this program:
Where Do the Children Play - Cat Stevens/Yusef Islam
The Hammer Has To Fall - Charlie King
Little Bit of Light - Carol Johnson
One Person At A Time - Andy Murray

Episode Number


First Air Date

Network of Spiritual Progressives - Steering Committee for Eau Claire

Audio file

Asked why people should work with them they talked about actions and goals that they have.
They want to change the bottom line of america. They want to change the way systems are judged based upon it not just making money but creating a loving and good society.
How they faced the delusional fundies that called them baby killers because they were protesting to protect human rights.
Organization is based upon the ideas in the book of micheal lerners called "The Left Hand of God" that shows that all religions are based upon a loving creator, but the right hand of god part of all holy books of all religions call on god to smite their enemies. The left hand of god is about the loving part of religion.
Challenging the misuse of religion, god and the spirt by the religious right.
Teaching about legitimate criticisms of fundamentalism and how to know when the critics are painting with too broad a brush.
she was brought up not to be judgmental of other beliefs, and doesn't like the hateful and judgmental way that religion is turning.

Broadcast Date(s)


Lois Helland
Eileen Immerman
Jerry Foote
Betty Hurst
Mary Weil


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