LGBT - Bringing One's Whole Self to God

LGBT - Bringing One's Whole Self to God

Sit in on a panel LGBT and clergy, sponsored by the Voices of Faith program of Equality Wisconsin, on personal and church experience of Open & Affirming Congregations - and the lack of same. The panel was held at Plymouth UCC, Eau Claire on 3/24/2012.

Panel moderator - David Huber, Plymouth UCC, Eau Claire
Ann Marie Hoeppner - transgendered in 2006, First Lutheran Church
Virginia Wolf - retired UU minister with Unitarian Universalist Congregation, Eau Claire
Carol Schumacher - Virginia Wolf's wife of 36 years, also of Unitarian Universalist Congregation, Eau Claire
Rebecca Dennee - recently out young UU member of Unitarian Universalist Congregation, Eau Claire
Eric Nielsen - pastor of First Presbyterian, Eau Claire

First Air Date

LGBT - Bringing One's Whole Self to God

Audio file

Broadcast Date(s)


David Huber
Ann Marie Hoeppner
Virginia Wolf
Carol Schumacher
Rebecca Dennee
Eric Nielsen


Thanks, Mark, for posting this event. Great discussion and input from the panel!

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