Mary Rehwald - Ashland ECO-Municipality and The Natural Step

photo of Mary Rehwald

Mary Rehwald spear-headed the successful effort of the city council to declare Ashland, WI an ECOmunicipality, incorporating the Natural Step process.

Mary is a member of Ashland's City Council and a Northland College faculty member. A life-long Unitarian, she has a special spiritual calling toward building community. She has a stong connection to caring for the earth and living responsibly upon it.

Resource she recommends include the Natural Step, the Alliance for SustainabilitySustainable SwedenClean Wisconsin, and 1000 Friends of Wisconsin.

Music Featured:
Whose Garden Was This - Tom Paxton
Live Like A Prayer - Magpie
Earth Anthem - The Turtles

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Mary Rehwald - Ashland ECO-Municipality and The Natural Step

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Awareness - Speaking all over the state. setting up study circles, Baseline assessment- How do they measure the waste and energy use. Creating a compelling vision for the future - plan what you want the city to become. Develop a plan of action- Plan how your are going to make the city into what it should be.
all want safe water, all want safe air, all want safe food, all want a living planet, Eco means both economy and ecology is sweden.
first city was Washburn to become a ecomunicipality in the state.
What experience has she had with the resistance of business leaders. They are trying to find companies that are sustainable.
Four principles: 1 don't use fossil fuels. 2 don't make more synthetic substances. 3 don't harm ecosystem. 4 social justice.
organized for a year before before she brought it up before the council. She called them and taught them about her plan. One of them mentioned that he had a high mercury level.

Broadcast Date(s)


Mary Rehwald


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