Kathy Kelly - Voices for Creative Nonviolence Walk Chicago to the Twin Cities

oil painting of Kathy Kelly

Kathy is currently co-coordinator of Voices for Creative Nonviolence, is active with the Catholic Worker movement and since becoming a pacifist has refused payment of all federal income tax for 25 years. She went to prison for 1 year for planting corn on nuclear missile silo sites and has a Masters in Religious Education from Chicago Theological Seminary.

Music featured:

May the Gentle Rain - Sara Thomsen

First Air Date

Kathy Kelly - Voices for Creative Nonviolence Walk Chicago to the Twin Cities

Audio file

Greetings are casual but throngs of people are giving thumbs up. but we need to get people to do more to stand up for the cause.
economic sanctions actually strengthened Sadaam but were murderous abuses to the poor and the powerless.
How she got involved in Iraq and how the Iraq Peace Team formed
We need to make sure that all peoples of tall he countries are educated as much as possible. We also need to make sure that the people can count on us rather than the dictators. Not impose ourselves as the new dictators.
they wanted to remain dedicated to nonviolence. iraqis are just as bad off as an american colony with the puppet regime in place now than they were under the sanctions. they were fined for bringing relief supplies to the iraqi people

Broadcast Date(s)


Kathy Kelly


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