Late Bloomer In Full Bloom - Jesse Palidofsky

Jesse Palidofsky

Jesse Palidofsky turned to writing & performing music later in life in spite of an early passion for the music. Along the way, Jesse ran folk coffeehouses and did radio shows of multiple genres of music, widening his own tastes & proclivities to include jazz, classical, soul, & other types of music. In the decades before he turned to music full-time, he also developed skills & insights into care & counseling in a number of settings, which he then synthesized with his use of music for healing & empowerment. Recently he released a moving video performance by Claire Lynch & Lea Gilmore of enhanced lyrics Jesse & John Morris created for America The Beautiful: 2020 Version.

Past/current religious/spiritual influences:
Buddhism, Catholic, Church of the Savior, Quaker

Except as noted below, all of today's music was written & performed by Jesse Palidofsky :
Give Thanks - from the not-yet-released Our Better Angels
Last One Standing - from the not-yet-released Our Better Angels
Lift Me Up - co-written with Richard Broadbent, from Dancing Toward the Light
Angel Wings - from the not-yet-released Our Better Angels
One Candle - from the not-yet-released Our Better Angels
Parting Song - from Dancing Toward the Light

Episode Number


First Air Date

Full Unabridged Interview

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Late Bloomer In Full Bloom - Jesse Palidofsky

Audio file

Broadcast Date(s)


Jesse Palidofsky


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