Training for Change - George Lakey

George Lakey

George Lakey was a founder of A Quaker Action Group, Movement for a New Society and recently left Training for Change to do more direct action with Earth Quaker Action Team. With the experience & stories of 50 years of peace, justice and environmental activism, George is a treasure trove of inspiration.

First Air Date

Training for Change - George Lakey

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but how coercion of the powerful to change their behavior is a good thing. including how he, Jesus, Gandhi, and others use their anger to power their movements. includes Gandhi speaking the truth about the empire he fought and all empires as well.
including information of nonviolent actions in all nations. From all nations so that no nation can make any claim that they have no history of nonviolent struggle.
no matter whether they have had any learning of leadership skills in their community.
and his struggle with his emerging pacifism and trying to find any source that would work to lead him away from pacifism only to find that no arguments against it would ever prove to be anything other than false.
including how he almost ended up being a child preacher but his activism destroyed that possible career. and his thoughts on following Jesus.
and how he is training them to effectively teach others from the bottom up, and who he learned his techniques from.

Broadcast Date(s)


George Lakey


Inspiring, informative interview with George Lakey. I recommend this program for activists and trainers yearning for hope and effective tools for change. What a history George has to share; his work is a model of how we can (and must) continue to evolve in our thinking and actions.

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