More than a decade ago I interviewed Daniel Hunter about a book he had written, and when I saw the article he had written just before the November election called 10 Things To Do If Trump Wins, I knew it was something I needed to check out. After all, Daniel has done organizing and training in a number of settings, in the United States and abroad, preparing folks to effectively make this a better world.
Citizen George Lakey in Film, Song, & Book
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George Lakey is many things to many people, including activist, organizer, author, professor, father, and friend. And now he's a movie star, of sorts, due to a feature-length documentary film, called Citizen George, directed by Glenn Holsten.
George Lakey - Quaker Activist, Organizer, Sociologist, Trainer, & Author - from the Everyday Nonviolence Podcast
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The team at of FNVW and their Everyday Nonviolence Podcast guest-hosts today for Spirit In Action.
Spreading the Peace Virus
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How do we spread the peace virus instead of perpetuating fear, hate, & injustice? Matthew Legge is author of Are We Done Fighting? Building Understanding in a World of Hate and Division, which gives us deep insights & practical skills for doing just that.
Spreading the Peace Virus
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How do we spread the peace virus instead of perpetuating fear, hate, & injustice? Matthew Legge is author of Are We Done Fighting? Building Understanding in a World of Hate and Division, which gives us deep insights & practical skills for doing just that.
Blacksmith's Forge: Polarization & Democracy
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Most of us lament the polarization of our society, but George Lakey finds promise in the blacksmith's forge.
Blacksmith's Forge: Polarization & Democracy
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Most of us lament the polarization of our society, but George Lakey finds promise in the blacksmith's forge.
Hope Leans Forward with Valerie Brown
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Valerie Brown's new book is Hope Leans Forward, Teaching From a Black Buddhist & Quaker.
George Lakey's Life for Peace and Justice: Dancing with History
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George Lakey has been on the vanguard of nonviolent activism for over 50 years, doing, innovating, and teaching organizing & activism with ever more effective ways of helping humanity forward.
How We Win!!!
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George Lakey's new book, How We Win: A Guide to Nonviolent Direct Action Campaigning brings it all together and changes the prospects for a better world. Drawing on some 60 years experience in all kinds of social change movements & having trained activists from dozens of nations, George is a true expert and a great communicator.