Spreading the Peace Virus

Cover of Are We Done Fighting? by Matthew Legge

How do we spread the peace virus instead of perpetuating fear, hate, & injustice? Matthew Legge is author of Are We Done Fighting? Building Understanding in a World of Hate and Division, which gives us deep insights & practical skills for doing just that. Matthew has been the Peace Program Coordinator of the Canadian Friends Service Committee since 2012, and he has supported locally-led peace initiatives in North America, Latin America, the Caribbean, Africa, the Middle East, and Asia. You can join in for free with the CFSC Peace Skills Training.

Past/current religious/spiritual influences:

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First Air Date

The full, uncut-for-broadcast, interview with Matthew Legge

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Spreading the Peace Virus

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Broadcast Date(s)


Matthew Legge


Hi Mark, 

I just listened to your May 1 interview with Matt Legge, and was again reminded of what a great interviewer you are; ie., you clearly have read and understood the book being discussed and, beyond that, your questions coax responses that stimulate further thought in the listeners and, I suspect, also in the interviewee (that was certainly the case when you interviewed me, way back when, about Refusing to be Enemies ). 

I was also interested in your suggestion that Matt (or listeners?) look into getting Northern Spirit Radio carried by Canadian broadcasters. Although there are smaller, independent broadcasters and podcast producers in Canada, I think it would make sense to approach the CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation), which is heard all over the country and also has an extensive podcast system. It strikes me, for example, that your 55-minute shows would fit nicely with the format of CBC Ideas, as a possible place to start (I notice that they often rebroadcast older series, suggesting that their may well be room for new material).

If you have any suggestions as to how to begin (if Matt isn't already doing this), please let me know. 


Thanks again for your skillful and important work, 

Maxine Kaufman-Lacusta 

Burnaby BC Canada 

Member of the Israel-Palestine Working Group associated with CFSC


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