Tilting the UN Toward Peace & Justice - QUNO

Andrew Tomlinson

Andrew Tomlinson has been the director of QUNO (Quaker United Nations Office) in New York since 2008. QUNO staff in New York & Geneva advocate for and work behind the scenes on issues like Peacebuilding, the Prevention of Violent Conflict, Climate Change, Food & Sustainability, and Human Rights & Refugees. Raised in the UK but a long-time resident of the USA, Andrew's background anthropology and finance give him the long-range and in-depth perspective needed to nudge the UN toward world-healing and peace.

Read the interview on Facing the Limits of Reconciliation with Andrew in Western Friend

Music Featured:
All the World Is One - Peter Mayer

First Air Date

Tilting the UN Toward Peace & Justice - QUNO

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Broadcast Date(s)


Andrew Tomlinson


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