Final Reflections on Vietnam, the Peace Corps, Real Peace, & Terminal Cancer

Geoffrey Gates

I interviewed Geoffrey Gates back in 2017 about some of the notable experiences of his life, including his service with the International Voluntary Service in the war zone of Vietnam in 1971, and his service with the Peace Corps after his retirement from about 40 years as a doctor. A couple years ago he learned he has a terminal cancer, so he wrote A Memoir: Final Reflections, not for profit, but for personal clarity & perspective, and in which he shows so much more of the deep currents of his life. Before we talk again to Geoffrey, I wanted to share with you a brief clip from our 2017 interview, preparing you for some of the deep thought and heartfelt reflection that is so very much a part of the way Geoffrey approaches his life and decisions, a mode of being that is all the more essential if we are to have any hope of preventing civil war in the USA. Email me if you would like to receive a copy of the Final Reflections memoir.

Past/present religious/spiritual influences: Methodist, Quaker

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Final Reflections on Vietnam, the Peace Corps, Real Peace, & Terminal Cancer

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Geoffrey Gates


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