Pacifists in the Belly of the Military Beast

Lucretia Humphrey & Molly Wingate

Today's Spirit In Action guests, both strongly pacifist, moved to areas that were overwhelmingly and oppressively military-oriented, and had to figure how to deal with that, both for themselves and for their families. Lucretia Humphrey's journey took her to Great Falls, Montana, surrounded by nuclear warheads, and Molly Wingate ended up in Colorado Springs, in the midst of a number of military bases. They co-wrote an article for Western Friend, Two Quakers Living With the Military, in which they explore the issues & experience of being of a tiny pacifist minority swallowed in a sea of military minds. In this age of extreme polarization, it's more important than ever to understand how to communicate & connect beyond political our silos, without giving up on our principles. You can also listen here to a Western Friend podcast interview with Lucretia & Molly.

Past/present religious/spiritual influences: Quaker, Presbyterian, Methodist, UCC, Catholic

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Pacifists in the Belly of the Military Beast

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Mark experienced Molly's one-time home during a visit of the Friendly FolkDancers to Lewisburg, PA.

Broadcast Date(s)


Lucretia Humphrey
Molly Wingate


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