Jim Scott - A Song for the Earth, A Prayer for Peace

photo of Jim Scott

Jim Scott: is, perhaps, best known for the many years he was part of the Paul Winter Consort. He tours widely as a solo act and his music frequently excites the listener, delicately, to care for the Earth and strive for Peace. He's a pedigree Unitarian-Universalist.

All the songs in this program are performed by Jim Scott:

Common Ground   from Earth, Sky, Love & Dreams
A Song for the Earth   from Earth, Sky, Love & Dreams
Still The Sun Will Shine   from Earth, Sky, Love & Dreams
Nothing But Peace Is Enough   from For A Time
I Am Waiting   from Gather The Spirit
May Your Life Be As A Song   from Sailing With The Moon


First Air Date

Jim Scott - A Song for the Earth, A Prayer for Peace

Audio file

He went back to school and became a professional musician.
song clip and a bit before it.
His time in the military and why he joined.
purpose of the military bands music
His description of playing at those concerts.

Broadcast Date(s)


Jim Scott


I really enjoyed hearing Jim's personal and pertinent stories...especially about the power of music and war and peace in the vietnam era. Well done Mark!

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