Bryan Sirchio - Songs for Justice Walkers

photo of Bryan

Bryan Sirchio had a conversion experience at 17, eventually went to seminary, and developed a thirst for Biblical Justice rooted in Love. He's a singer/songwriter and has a special passion for Haiti where he's sojourned 40-50 times - contact him if you'd care to join his next trip there.

All the songs in this program are by Bryan Sirchio:

Follow Me   from Justice and Love
I See You   from Songs for Justice Walkers
Green World   from Songs for Justice Walkers
I'd Just Like to Know   from Justice and Love
Dream God's Dream   from Songs for Justice Walkers


First Air Date

Bryan Sirchio - Songs for Justice Walkers

Audio file

The bad attitudes and right wing beliefs of many christians were problems with him.
How he ended up writing that song and a clip of the song.
A person that he met that refused to be cruel and expressed true kindness.
He needed to go in order to see and experience the world of the poorest of the poor.
He talks about going to haiti in the winter and getting away from the cold for a bit.

Broadcast Date(s)


Bryan Sirchio


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