Failed Wisconsin Uprising - what issues & what hope?

phot of Paul Glik

Paul Gilk co-edited the book, A Whole Which Is Greater: Why the Wisconsin Uprising Failed, looking at the range of societal values, politics, & spiritual issues which have determined Wisconsin's course, including the failure to prevent Gov. Scott Walker's radical shift in the state. Paul lives without electricity, close to the earth, & is the author of at least 6 books, all typed on his manual typewriter.

Other books by Paul Gilk:
Nature's Unruly Mob: Farming and the Crisis in Rural Culture
Green Politics Is Eutopian: Essays in Anticipation of the Daughter
Polemics and Provocations: Essays in Anticipation of the Daughter
The Kingdom of God Is Green
In Switzerland the Moon is Always Male

First Air Date

Paul Glik interview

Audio file

This interview only touches on one handful of the book's essays - here's a quick overview of the other authors & topics.
Paul's father was farming with horses till after WWII - and here's how the transition happened.
Paul lays out some of the historical and political currents, since the 60s & 70s, culminating in the Republican takeover in Wisconsin.
How to stay informed with electricity, the Internet, etc? How does the news cycle limit our understanding and depth of knowledge?

Broadcast Date(s)


Paul Glik


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