Adam Rosenbalm and Austin Ramsey study at East Tennessee State University (ETSU.) Both raised in Conservative families in the South, they arrived on campus at a time whe
The Brain & Progressive Messaging
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Scott Wittkopf helps organizations & people learn to do effective progressive messaging through his firm, Frame for the Future. It's a bit ironic that the scientific research proves that people do not make their decisions based on scientific research, but on frames, and progressives have been doing an inferior job of harnessing this knowledge to support their goals.
Progressive Grassroots Revival
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A peek at portions of the Wisconsin Grassroots Networkfestival held in Eau Claire on 9/22/18, with a brief intro by Art & Dawn Shegonee of Call For Peace Drum & Dance Company, and featuring excerpts from keynote presentations by the The Raging Grannies, and progressive journalist, author and orator,
The Progressive Populist
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A vital part of improving the world is organizing people by getting the word out, which is the work of The Progressive Populist and its editor/founder, Jim Cullen. The populist movement and it's message prioritizing people over corporations has be transforming this country since the 1880's, and continues to do so today.
Progressive Voice for Books
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If a progressive author writes an insightful world-changing book, but no one hears it, does it really matter? The intent of Gail Leondar Public Relations is to make sure that such voices do get heard and are added to the forces for change. Gail Leondar-Wright and her business partner, Peter Bermudes, amplify the message of progressives by connecting them up to a nation-wide web of radio broadcasters.
Progressive Voice for Democracy Matt Rothschild
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A powerful advocate for democracy and progressive causes, Matt Rothschild led The Progressive Magazine for most of 32 years, and in now Executive Director of the Wisconsin Democracy Campaign. Matt has a birds-eye view of the nuts and bolts of government, elections, & the success or failure of democracy.
Progressive Every Day
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Dan Nerhaugen's Daily Progressive is a great source of inspiration & knowledge, highlighting change-makers and events which have tilted the world in a progressive direction, and promise more in the future. Succinct, rich, and diverse, there are tidbits, with links to those interested in going deeper, for some really transformative people and events.
Failed Wisconsin Uprising - what issues & what hope?
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Paul Gilk co-edited the book, A Whole Which Is Greater: Why the Wisconsin Uprising Failed, looking at the range of societal values, politics, & spiritual issues which have determined Wisconsin's course, including the failure to prevent Gov. Scott Walker's radical shift in the state. Paul lives without electricity, close to the earth, & is the author of at least 6 books, all typed on his manual typewriter.
Jane Addams: Spirit In Action - Louise W. Knight
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Visit with Louise Knight, author of Jane Addams: Spirit In Action. Around a century ago Jane Addams stood at the head of the major peace & justice efforts of her day.