Channeling Scotch-Irish Folk Music, Spirituals, and More

Andrew Calhoun

Andrew Calhoun is the real deal, applying all the skill & integrity needed to faithfully channel folk songs & folk culture through his dancing, delightful guitar, but also his deep & evocative voice. With loads of recordings over the decades, he's distinguished himself through Scotch-Irish songs and his African-American spirituals. He lives just outside of Chicago, IL.

Past/present religious/spiritual influences: Atheist, Non-affiliated, Native American, Christianity, Jewish, Black-American Spirituality

All featured music is written & performed by Andrew Calhoun:
Thomas the Rhymer - from Rhymer's Tower: Ballads of the Anglo-Scottish Border
Journey - from Phoenix Envy
Come and Go With Me - from Bound to Go
Bound to Go - from Bound to Go
Hallelujah Morning - With Casey Calhoun, from Living Room
When My Time Comes - from Phoenix Envy

Episode Number


First Air Date

Full, uncut interview with Andrew Calhoun

Audio file

Channeling Scotch-Irish & Spiritual Folk Music for Starters!

Audio file

There may not be enough time for Andrew to deeply pursue the songs of the Griots, what with the Scottish, the slave songs, etc.
For Andrew, Martin Carthy is the best of all of them, and the venues he loves best are face-to-face.
Andrew has an easy-going temperament, picked out of a Scotch-Irish and Eastern European heritage.
Andrew's father went from teaching philosophy to working at Bell Labs. Really?

Broadcast Date(s)


Andrew Calhoun


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