One Man in a One Man Band - MG Bailey

MG Bailey

MG Bailey joins us today for SOS. MG is not only a One Man Band, playing simultaneously with hands and feet, while singing, he's a not-in-anyone's box kind of man. Authenticity & creativity mix fruitfully in MG's music, with ideas, stories, and images that stretch us out of our conventional expectations & storylines. There's beautiful guitar & other instruments, all played by MG, but mostly you can't listen to these songs without feeling you're glimpsing beyond the veil of your own reality.

Past/present religious/spiritual influences: Catholic, Non-affiliated, Christian

All featured music is written & performed by MG Bailey:
Get to Gettin' - from Long Time Comin'
It's Over - from MG Bailey
Worst Best - from Long Time Comin'
Jobs - from Loosey-Goosey
I'm Sorry Dear - from MG Bailey
Where The Tracks End - from Give a Little, Get a Little
Soaked Streets of Blue Island - from Long Time Comin'

Episode Number


First Air Date

Full, uncut Song of the Soul with MG Bailey

Audio file

One Man in a One Man Band - MG Bailey

Audio file

Though his home is near Chicago, MG tours heavily, though he won't say what MG stands for, and he's got mixed feeling about being a One Man Band.
Triumph and failure are so closely tied for MG.
MG's work is his music, & he is not attached to success at the cost of his integrity.
MG has had a long history of songwriting and of maintaining his style.
Full intro & the song Where The Tracks Don't End, cut for time.

Broadcast Date(s)


MG Bailey


Thank you so much for having me on my friend! Great to meet you:) 

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