Hills, Stars, Weather, & Nothing - Claudia Schmidt

There is a power & depth, a vibrant, evocative rootedness in the music of Claudia Schmidt. Over the 24 recordings Claudia has created has run the reflection of the earth & water of the Midwest, but also the freedom & inspiration of the wind & the stars above our entire planet. With lyrics, music, and voice to charm us all, Claudia channels enthusiasm, inspiration, & healing.

Past/current religious/spiritual influences:
Earth-Based Spirituality, Lutheran, Pantheist

All songs are written and performed by Claudia Schmidt:
Nothing - from New Whirled Order
These Stars - from Hark the Dark
Out Here - from New Whirled Order
Quiet Hills - from We Are Welcomed with Sally Rogers
Dear Friends - from Slow Steady Heart
Weather - from Slow Steady Heart

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Hills, Stars, Weather, & Nothing - Claudia Schmidt

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Claudia Schmidt


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