In The Name Of All Of Our Children - Sally Rogers

Sally Rogers has been a fountain of folk music for 4 decades (check out her 40 Years, 40 Songs collection), now sung all around the country & world. Her classics include Lovely Agnes, Touch of the Master's Hand, & Circle of the Sun, and there are ever-more greats coming. Her last visit with us was 2007. In addition to her work as a music teacher in schools, she's been a long-time co-host for the 3rd Friday Song Swap at Vanilla Bean in Pomfret, CT.

Past/current religious/spiritual influences:
Episcopalian, Jewish, Mennonite, Unitarian Universalist

All songs in this program are written & performed by Sally Rogers:
We Are Welcomed - performed with Claudia Schmidt on We Are Welcomed
Epitaph - from 40 Years, 40 Songs
In The Name (of all of our Children) - from We Will Pass Them On
A Way Out of No Way - home recording, also on Youtube
We Will Build This House - with Claudia Schmidt on Evidence of Happiness
A Quiet Soul Has Left This Earth - with Claudia Schmidt on Evidence of Happiness
No Time To Feel Hopeless - with Andy Cohen - rough recording, not released

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In The Name Of All Of Our Children - Sally Rogers

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Sally Rogers


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