Open Door & Simple Heart of Dean Stevens

Dean Stevens writes & shares the music of compassion & connection. Raised in Costa Rica, living in Boston, Dean's life is overflowingly rich with international & local roots & work. Check out his fairer-than-fair-trade coffee from El Salvador, visit the Community Church of Boston where he does music & administrative work, or travel with him to Central America, you'll be singing joyfully all the way.

Past/current religious/spiritual influences:
Evangelical Christian, Interfaith

All songs in this program are performed by Dean Stevens and if not written by Dean, the author is indicated below:
Wood and Strings - from At Last
Stories - from At Last
Casa Abierta - from Arise!, written by Salvador Cardenal
Old Man In His Garden - from Eyes of Wonder
International - from Arise!, written by Jim Infantino (with band Jim's Big Ego)
Love Comes to the Simple Heart - from Love Comes to the Simple Heart, written by Chuck Hall

Episode Number


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Open Door & Simple Heart of Dean Stevens

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Broadcast Date(s)


Dean Stevens


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