Ending Torture and Starting Healing

John Calvi

John Calvi was led to found QUIT (Quaker Initiative to end Torture), in part, because of the profound healing work he has done over the decades with victims rape and other sorts of torture, including refugees from Central America. John knows the external facts of torture, including statistics, laws and motivations, but because of his work as a healer, he knows the suffering from the inside as well.

QUIT (Quaker Initiative to end Torture) will hold a consultation meeting November 12, 2011 in Durham, NC.

Copies of his plenary presentation about ending torture can be purchased here. It is called "To Go Where There Is No Light".


First Air Date

Ending Torture and Starting Healing

Audio file

How torture creates more enemies.
where the pain goes when he heals people
The people who had been tortured and how Obama didn't shut down torture as a policy.
the concerns over torture and how John got started on this subject
On war
What is Torture

Broadcast Date(s)


John Calvi


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