Allah Made Me Funny - Azhar Usman

Allah Made Me Funny - Azhar Usman

Azher Usman is an author, artist, activist, philanthropist, lawyer, but most of all he's a very serious comedian. He gave the keynote address at the Ways of Peace II Conference on Nonviolence in the Islamic Tradition sponsored by FNVW. He's been part of the Allah Made Me Funny - Official Muslim Comedy Tour, The Laughing Peace Tour and The Make Chai, Not War Tour.

See an example of his stand-up humor here.

First Air Date

Allah Made Me Funny - Azhar Usman

Audio file

a bit of his keynote speech
on nonviolence
how things were when he started doing comedy
war is terrorism of the rich, terrorism is war of the poor

Broadcast Date(s)


Azher Usman


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