Fruitful Lesbian Lives, 3 memoirs - Part 1

Fruitful Lesbian Lives - 3 memoirs

There's a sea change going on around marriage equality/homosexuality/alternative sexuality, and one sign is 3 new memoirs. Chana Wilson wrote Riding Fury Home, including the trials of the "mental illness" of her lesbian mother. Annie Lanzillotto released L is for Lion: An Italian Bronx Butch Freedom Memoir, including her trials with cancer, a raucous Italian family, and much more. We conclude our 2 hours with Margaret Sorrell who edited Staying True - Musings of an Odd-duck Quaker Lesbian Approaching Death, for her partner, Lynn Waddington, at the end of Lynn's life. Part of the sea change is that these are memoirs of multifaceted people, not "just" lesbians.


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Fruitful Lesbian Lives, 3 memoirs - Part 1

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Chana Wilson
Annie Lanzillato


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